3.2 Citations

Between 1996-2010, citation indices grew over time for all institution categories following the growth trend of Greek publications and their indicators.

"Research Centres supervised by GSRT" and "Private Health Institutions" had the highest percentage (%) of cited publications among all institution categories (Figure 3.2.1). This figure varied from 55% for "Technological Educational Institutes" to 75% for "Research Centres supervised by GSRT," with the average number of publications for Greece and OECD being 65.6%.


Figure 3.2.1



Figure 3.2.2 tracks the number of citations and its growth/evolution between 1996-2010. During 1996-2010, the number of citations in the institution categories grew.

Apart from the highest representation in the number of publications, "Universities" had also the highest share in the number of citations. More specifically, during 2006-2010, Universities’ publications received 219,658 citations, accounting for 79.3% of the total number of citations of Greek publications. The number and share of citations for the rest institution categories was: 43,813 and 15.8% for "GSRT Research Centers", 36,601 and 13.2% for "Public Health Institutions", 11,475 and 4.1% for "Private Health Institutions", 8,348 and 3% for "Other Public Institutions", 8,104 and 2.9% for "Technological Educational Institutes", 5,100 and 1.8% for "Other Private Institutions "and 3,014 and 1.1% for "Other Public Institutions" (Figures 3.2.2 and 3.2.3).


Figure 3.2.2



Figure 3.2.3


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