Appendix V: EU and OECD Member States

Member States of the European Union (27) and the OECD (2010)

In 2010, the OECD was enlarged with the participation of four new member states: Estonia, Israel, Slovenia and Chile. Greece’s performance was ranked in relation to the following OECD countries:


OECD Member States

  1. Australia

18. Canada

  2. Austria

19. Luxembourg

  3. Belgium

20. Mexico

  4. France

21. Νέα New Zealand

  5. Germany

22. Norway

  6. Denmark

23. South Korea

  7. Switzerland

24. Netherlands

  8. Greece

25. Hungary

  9. Estonia

26. Poland

10. United States

27. Portugal

11. United Kingdom

28. Slovakia

12. Japan

29. Slovenia

13. Ireland

30. Sweden

14. Iceland

31. Czech Republic

15. Spain

32. Turkey

16. Israel

33. Finland

17. Italy

34. Chile


Greece’s performance was ranked in relation to the following 27 Member States of the European Union:


European Union Member States

  1.  Austria

15. Lithuania

  2.  Belgium

16. Louxembourg

  3.  Bulgaria

17. Malta

  4.  France

18. Netherlands

  5.  Germany

19. Hungary

  6.  Denmark

20. Poland

  7.  Greece

21. Portugal

  8.  Estonia

22. Romania

  9.  United Kingdom

23. Slovakia

10.  Ireland

24. Solvenia

11.  Spain

25. Sweden

12. Italy

26. Czech Republic

13.  Cyprus

27. Finland

14.  Latvia


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