8.4 Major fields of science

Figure 8.4.1 presents values related to the the impact of publications by "Public Health Institutions" in the major scientific fields with higher publication activity(more specifically, in the “Medical & Health Sciences” and “Natural Sciences”)*, for the 5-year period from 2006 to 2010. The Figure displays the number of publications and citations and the field normalised citation score for each major field, as well as information on the overall performance of each institution in each major field. The citation scores were normalized and then calculated at the level of each publication. Figure 8.4.2 provides a detailed picture of each institution's performance.

As expected, Public Health Institutions were mostly active in the scientific field “Medical & Health Sciences”. The publications with an impact higher than 0.90 were those of SOTIRIA (citation score: 0,98), AGHIA SOFIA (0.98), Papanikolaou General Hospital of Thessaloniki (0.97) and the IPPOKRATIO General Hospital of Athens (0.96).

There was a low number of publications in the field of “Natural Sciences”, mainly coming from SOTIRIA (citation score: 1.38), the IPPOKRATIO General Hospital of Athens (1.22), Papanikolaou General Hospital of Thessaloniki (1.11), G. Gennimatas General Hospital of Athens (1.07) and the LAIKO General Hospital of Athens/LAIKO(1.02).


Figure 8.4.1



Figure 8.4.2



Figure 8.4.3



Figure 8.4.4



Figure 8.4.5



The field-normalised citation score was only calculated for Public Health Institutions which produced more than 75 publications for the period 1996-2010, –or 5 publications annually–.

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