6.4 Major fields of science

Figure 6.4.1 captures the impact of publications by GSRT Research Centers in the major fields of science*. “Natural Sciences”, “Engineering and Technology”, “Medical and Health Sciences” and “Agricultural Sciences” during 2006-2010. The Figure displays the number of publications and citations and the field normalised citation score for each major field, giving the overall performance of each Research Center in each major field. The citation scores are calculated, after normalisation at the level of its publication as the mean values of the different subject fields included in each major scientific field. Figure 6.4.2 presents in detail each institution's performance.

In “Natural Sciences”, the number of publications came from 9 of the 11 Research Centers. They all had high citation scores ranging from 0.78 to 1.54. They were ranked as follows: BSCR FLEMING (1.54), FORTH (1.21), HCMR (1.12), CERTH (1.09), ΝΟΑ (1.08), NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" (1.07), ATHENA (1.00) and NHRF (0.95). This score is lower for CE.RE.TE.TH. (0.83) and HPI (0.78).

Six Research Centers were active in the scientific field “Engineering & Technology”. The publications with a citation score higher than the world average baseline were those of NOA (citation score: 1.56), CERTH (1.51), FORTH (1.39), NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" (1.16), while those of HCMR and NHRF were close to it (0.97 and 0.91 respectively).

The majority of publications in the “Medical & Health Sciences” came from six Research Centers. It is worth mentioning that all Research Centers achieved citation scores above the world average baseline: BSCR FLEMING (1.86), FORTH (1.62), CE.RE.TE.TH. and HPI (1.40 each), as well as NHRF and NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" (1.08 each).

In “Social Sciences”, the only Center with a significant publication output was FORTH.

Finally, there were not any Research Centers systematically involved in publications in the field of “Agricultural Sciences” and “Humanities”. This does not allow us to reach reliable conclusions related to publishing activity.


Figure 6.4.1



Figure 6.4.2



Figure 6.4.3



Figure 6.4.4



Figure 6.4.5



The field-normalised citation score was calculated only for Research Centers with more than 75 publications for the period 1996-2010, which is more than 5 publications per year.

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