6.1 Publications
The top performing institutions in the category “Research Centers supervised by GSRT”, in terms of publications output, were the National Center for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"/NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" and the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH).
Looking at data from 2010, GSRT Research Centers were ranked in terms of their number of publications, according to the following order: National Center for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"/NCRS "DEMOKRITOS" (444), the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas/FORTH (412), the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research/HCMR (126), the National Observatory of Athens/NOA (126), the National Hellenic Research Foundation/NHRF (124) and the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/CERTH (108). The category ‘Other Research Centres’ produced fewer than 50 publications (Figure 6.1.1).
Following a growth period which lasted until 2009, there was a decline in the number of publications produced by certain GSRT Research Centres – including the top performing ones– according to a general declining trend in Greek publications.
However, in the cases of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research/HCMR, the Center for Research and Technology Hellas/FORTH, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center/BSCR FLEMING, the Hellenic Pasteur Institute/PASTEUR and the Athena-Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies/ATHENA, publications output display growing trends.
Figure 6.1.2 displays the number of publications and the annual rate of change for each GSRT Research Center for the years 1996-2010.
Rate of change: 1+(number of publications in year "n" - number of publications in year "n-1") / number of publications in year "n-1". The rate is 1, if the number of publications is the same accross the years compared.
Figure 6.1.3 presents data for the latest 5-year period 2006-2010 and for the category “Research Centers supervised by GSRT”. It demonstrates the number of publications and its share in the total number of publications of the category. The Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas/FORTH had 2,047 publications and a share of 30.7%. The National Centre for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"/NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" produced 2,004 publications and had a 30% share, the National Hellenic Research Foundation/NHRF had 599 publications and 9% share, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research/HCMR 506 publications and 7.6% share, the National Observatory of Athens/NOA 555 publications and 8.3% share and the Center for Research and Technology Hellas/CERTH 464 publications and 7% share. As for the remaining Research Centers, their share accounted for less than 3%.
Comparing the rate of transition in the number of publications from 2006 to 2010, we observed that 10 Research Centers displayed a positive trend. The number of publications for the Biomedical Sciences Research Center/BSCR FLEMING, The Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), ATHENA, the Hellenic Pasteur Institute/PASTEUR and the Hellenic Center for Marine Research were above the average for institutions in the category (Figure 6.1.4).
Rate of change: 1+(number of publications in year "2010" - number of publications in year "2006) / number of publications in year "2006". The rate is 1, if the number of publications is the same accross the years compared. The Center for the Research and Technology Thessaly (CE.RE.TE.TH) produced its first publications in 2006 and therefore its rate of change is considerably high and is thus not included in the Figure.
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