4.4 Major fields of science

Figure 4.4.1 displays the number of publications and citations and the field-normalised citation score by "Universities" in the six major scientific fields* during 2006-2010. The Figure presents the overall performance of each University in each of the six major fields. Indicators were calculated, after normalisation on an individual article level, as the mean values of the different subject fields included in each major scientific field. Figure 4.4.2 displays subject fields with citation scores above 1.5 and thus provides a detailed picture regarding the Universities’ performance.

In “Natural Sciences”, 18 out of 21 Universities demonstrated an increasing trend in their number of publications. The highest citation score (1.25) was achieved by a small number of publications produced by the the Technical University of Crete/TUC. In addition, the citation scores exceeded the world average in the following cases: the University of Crete/UOC (1.19), the University of the Peloponnese (1.09), the Harokopio University of Athens/HUA (1.08), the University of Ioannina/UOI (1.05) and the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens/UOA (1.01). The publications of the National Technical University of Athens/NTUA (0.98), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/AUTH (0.95), the University of Thessaly (0.93) and the University of Patras/UOP (0.91) were close to the world average.

Sixteeen Universities were active in “Engineering & Technology”. The publications with citation scores higher than the world average baseline were those of the University of Crete/UOC (1.65), the University of Macedonia (1.54), the University of Western Macedonia/UOWM (1.28), the Technical University of Crete/TUC (1.27), the Agricultural University of Athens/AUA (1.27), the National Technical University of Athens/NTUA (1.18), the University of Piraeus/UNIPI (1.17), the University of the Aegean (1.10), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/AUTH (1.08) and the University of Thessaly/UTH (1.06). The Publications of the following institutions were close to the world average: the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens/UOA (0.99), the University of the Peloponnese (0.98) and the Athens University of Economics and Business/AUEB (0.96).

The majority of publications in “Medical & Health Sciences” came from 12 Universities. Publications with the highest citation scores were those of the Harokopio University of Athens/HUA (1.23), the University of Ioannina/UOI (1.20), the University of Crete/UOC (1.08), the Technical University of Crete/TUC (1.05) and the University of the Aegean (1.03).

In “Agricultural Sciences” publications emerged mainly from 10 Universities - thus explaining the rise in citation scores during 2006-2010 - the highest citation scores were reached by a relatively small number of publications. Those were attributed to the University of Patras/UOP (1.65), the Harokopio University of Athens/HUA (1.21) and the National Technical University of Athens/NTUA (1.14). The citation scores of publications by the University of Ioannina/UOI (1.11), the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens/UOA (1.09), the Agricultural University of Athens/AUA (1.09) and the University of Crete (1.02) were also above the world baseline. 

In “Social Sciences” there was a large number of active Universities (18 out of 21) but with a much lower publication output relatively to other scientific fields. Overall, the citation scores have improved when compared to the findings of the 5-year period 2004-2008. The Publications of the following institutions reached above world average: the Technical University of Crete/TUC (1.25) and the Agricultural University of Athens/AUA (1.01), whereas the publications of the University of Ioannina/UOI reached the world average (1.00).

Finally, only two Universities were found to systematically produce publications in the field of “Humanities”. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/AUTH was the University with the highest citation score (1.66).


Figure 4.4.1



Figure 4.4.2



Figure 4.4.3



Figure 4.4.4



Figure 4.4.5



For each major scientific field, the field normalized citation score was calculated only for Universities with at least 75 publications in the field.

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